Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
the end of the month is coming closer. i have long time upload nothing to my blog, unfortunately, i get no inspiration of what i can upload / shown to my readers(though it is rarely has an ant to visit my blog). i gonna bring up-to-dated news to them.
a day off
today(supposedly yesterday) is deepavali, happy deepavali to indians race. today i did nothing much, due to hyper tired, with the accumulated of working load on my shoulder that makes me exhausted. i have to plan a lot of thing ahead of me in order to maximize my free to time to gain what i wanted. yea, good luck to me if you u find that i am still 1 of your friend.
just now went out to meet 3 of my friends + yumcha which i haven't meet them for quite sometimes, well, they seems to be living well with the current life.
just now went out to meet 3 of my friends + yumcha which i haven't meet them for quite sometimes, well, they seems to be living well with the current life.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
D.I.Y. body check up
注意生理警訊 神造人時給人體許多巧妙的安排,從身體的很多方面,我們都可以觀察出自己健康的狀況。只是很多時候我們都忽略了,現在讓我們一起來看看,有哪些是你從來不知道的。
除了從這些地方觀察自己的健康,更要注意生理時鐘,不要違背天然,才能讓身體循環正常。 例如凌晨一點到兩點是肝臟排毒期,應該要讓身體進入睡眠狀態,才能順利排毒。
1. 冒痘痘的位置與健康訊息
2. 如何檢視指甲的健康指甲的生長夏天比冬天快,手指甲又比腳指甲快,且健康情況也會在指甲上顯現哦!所以快檢視一下,妳的指甲健不健康。
4. 如何從唇色觀察健康狀況健康的唇色是粉紅色的,如果唇色不正常,可能是健康狀況不好哦!
5. 從排泄物看健康
6. 生理時鐘表身體都有生理時鐘,不同時間有不同工作,應該配合生理時鐘,才能有健康身體哦!
除了從這些地方觀察自己的健康,更要注意生理時鐘,不要違背天然,才能讓身體循環正常。 例如凌晨一點到兩點是肝臟排毒期,應該要讓身體進入睡眠狀態,才能順利排毒。
1. 冒痘痘的位置與健康訊息
額頭 |
鼻子 |
下巴 |
左邊臉頰 |
右邊臉頰 |
指甲色澤 |
指甲的韌度 |
指甲板是否光滑 |
周圍皮膚 |
指甲過白 |
白斑 |
容易破裂 |
指甲過黃 |
凹凸不平 |
唇色蒼白 |
唇色青紫 |
唇色淡黃 |
唇色紅紫 |
份量 |
形狀 |
氣味 |
顏色 |
硬度 |
時段 | 時期 | 工作 |
| 淺眠期 |
| 排毒期 |
| 休眠? |
| 精華期 |
| 午休期 |
| 高峰期 |
| 低潮期 |
| 鬆散期 |
| 暫憩期 |
| 夜修期 |
| 夜眠期 |
Thursday, October 23, 2008
heart hurting day
today i went to stadium Melawati (next to stadium Shah Alam), the heart hurting start here. my Samsung G810 dropped onto ground which resulted my phone damage physically, though the function is like i use to be. :( pity my beloved mobile phone.
METROJAYA sales is back to stadium Melawati which up to 70% discount. yea, indeed it is very cheap. i bought almost RM200 of goods. haiz, spent too much. gonna save a little next month.
Well guys, today finally my internet connection is back online, though i dunno when the connection is back online, however, i have no connection since saturday night until yesterday which "no internet=no life" slogan. it getting into my nerve.
METROJAYA sales is back to stadium Melawati which up to 70% discount. yea, indeed it is very cheap. i bought almost RM200 of goods. haiz, spent too much. gonna save a little next month.
Well guys, today finally my internet connection is back online, though i dunno when the connection is back online, however, i have no connection since saturday night until yesterday which "no internet=no life" slogan. it getting into my nerve.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
?? donno what is "today"
today i was like, boring at the site, due to it is really boring to the extend, where, most of the time i m to catch "snakes". nothing for me to look after. therefore i rest most of my time at site office. then take my lunch with ah kong in a restaurant. the dishes i ll rate it 75% mark. the price was RM95 with 5 person ate this lunch. in average RM19 per person. therefore, this is kind of expensive. with a fish as a main dishes & chicken as 2nd dishes.
around 9pm, i met wee seong in mcDonald in Damansara Damai, we talked alot until 10:30pm. which he is very exhausted for the day. i ll rest my day here.
c ya
around 9pm, i met wee seong in mcDonald in Damansara Damai, we talked alot until 10:30pm. which he is very exhausted for the day. i ll rest my day here.
c ya
Thursday, October 16, 2008
yes i did it
today i ate KFC as my lunch, haiz, i had spent another RM10 to ate KFC. which i dont intended too. however, i dont mean to say no, just that i hope i can save as much $ as possible. & yea, i m satisfied with the meal.
just before i went back home, out of a sudden, i m thinking of GPS(Global Positioning System) which built-in my SAMSUNG G810, from there on, i took out my mobile phone to test on it which i have failed to test the built-in GPS since i bought it back. i started with the GPS, which i waited for >3 minutes(some forum speak about this GPS built-in G810 took 5 minutes to load the data). to my wonder, it really does loaded with the GPS which is really surprise me. therefore i used it when on the evening i ride back my motorcycle to test how useful of this GPS can be. it is really brilliant i ll say. yes, this is truly interesting stuff i have built-in my mobile phone.
the next thing i wanna test will be the GEOTAGGING. hope it does really working like how it describe as it is.
just before i went back home, out of a sudden, i m thinking of GPS(Global Positioning System) which built-in my SAMSUNG G810, from there on, i took out my mobile phone to test on it which i have failed to test the built-in GPS since i bought it back. i started with the GPS, which i waited for >3 minutes(some forum speak about this GPS built-in G810 took 5 minutes to load the data). to my wonder, it really does loaded with the GPS which is really surprise me. therefore i used it when on the evening i ride back my motorcycle to test how useful of this GPS can be. it is really brilliant i ll say. yes, this is truly interesting stuff i have built-in my mobile phone.
the next thing i wanna test will be the GEOTAGGING. hope it does really working like how it describe as it is.
such a ............
today is just another ordinary day, but i ate bak ku teh this afternoon. it is kind of nice for this lunch. though i dont like bak ku teh that much due to it is merely meal for the dishes. 5 persons=RM7x, average 1 person >RM10. kind of expensive for me to eat, luckily, it was paid by the other boss.
brave, this is a word that i learn very long time ago. but to be as brave as what u can ever imagine, it is such crazy to be think of. which you never know how hard to make up the mind. haiz,,.... long way to learn & to improve.
brave, this is a word that i learn very long time ago. but to be as brave as what u can ever imagine, it is such crazy to be think of. which you never know how hard to make up the mind. haiz,,.... long way to learn & to improve.
Monday, October 13, 2008
i couldn't make up my mind on selecting TOYOTA AVANZA due to the budgeted cost depends on my salary isn't sufficient enough no covered very expenses within me. this is very unfortunate case, though i have make everything to minimum. some of them just can't be minimize. help!!! i just hope i can get a new car instead of an used car, any better solution ahead of me?
Toyota Avanza 1.3 manual
i m planning to purchase the brand new Toyota Avanz, you have any better idea. down to basic, budget is 1 of my biggest restriction. therefore, dont propose anything unnecesary to me. since i am living in a big family consist of 6 members included me. i dont have much choice left. indeed, avanza is best for the budget i have + the number i can carry in 1 go is the only car, that is Toyota Avanza. so, if u have any better idea/suggestion. feel free to tell me. as i said, please down to the basic i have. thank you very much. i have attached a few of the photoes as introduction on what the look in.

Friday, October 10, 2008
Finally i can slightly blog about something
this week, i had being busy with formatting my computer, heck this is not as easy as you ever think. it took me to format for a day, then the rest of the day were to download the software, install whatever i wanted, updated whatever required & at the same time, install whatever i need to use for my gaming platform.
today i considering i have finished off everything, except the adobe photoshop, illustrator & flash. this 3 software keep on asking me to close/off INTERNET EXPLORER whenever i installing it when i have cease whatever internet browser i have. it just cant work it out. therefore, i decided not to install them until the next format come in hand. at the moment, i can still using my brother's computer to work out some of the editing stuff.
finally, my college life has recommence, 2 lecture(3 hours) & 1 tutorial for this week. a little tiring for this week, since i don't used to the life of college for half a year. i need to adjust & adapt to the college life again. i know i can do it in no time. wish me good luck. though last week had gone through so many miracle. thank god.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
mersing 1 day trip
1st day of HARI RAYA on 1st october 2008. i went out with my relative to Mersing for a day trip. it is kind of interesting. i started to capture with my 5MP camera phone. the photo is stunning as i m 1 of the highest MP among all. i dont wanna upload here as it is just too much to upload. therefore, please refer to this photoes.
to Jonny
sorry, if that is the case where, u felt uncomfortable with us that sudden missing without your consent. i sincerely make such an apologize to your. hope you can understand the situation in detail.
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