this the beginning of the story, where we are waiting for another group to come & meet us.
they were the 1 we are waiting, opps, some of them were not inside. i am still able to capture with 3 pretty girls. what a good day.
tell u what, this is what i drunk yesterday.
Reef [5.0%, 275 ml] Vodka mixed with 'still orange & passion fruit drink' (note that 'drink' pointedly doesn't mean juice). The original version was delivered in squat glass bottles with ring-pull tops, and tasted as unstimulating as economy orange squash. It was relaunched in a standard-size bottle with a ribbed neck for extra pleasure, and the orange flavour joined by new 'pineapple vodka citrus' (4% pineapple, 8% grapefruit and 28% orange juice, in a welcome admission of ingredients). This latter tastes like vodka and orange made with Five Alive and is a vast improvement. It's still deceptively alcoholic, being still. Between 65 and 80 calories per 100 ml (i.e. quite a few) according to Coors' website.

M&S aka Mark & Spencer. this is the shop which celebrating his 125 years anniversary. can u imagine, how old does the shop/supermarket brand being exist on this earth? they are older than M'sia's age. imagine how "branded" they are, then u can trust an old brand, can u?
this is not the end, i am attaching a nice video scene to u. enjoy.
they are rather enjying with the game, where, u knock the egg on head, if u are real lucky enough, you get to knock an boiled egg, which mean, u are safe to go next round. otherwise, on the unlucky fellow, the sting egg gonna knock on ur head. until the last 2 persons = the winner.
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