Tuesday, July 14, 2009

pressure vs pleasure day

the words on the title is just a slight differ in a part, but it get to have so much different.
  1. the exertion of force upon a surface by an object, fluid, etc., in contact with it: the pressure of earth against a wall.
  2. Physics. force per unit area. Symbol: P Compare stress (def. 6).
  3. Meteorology. atmospheric pressure.
  4. Electricity. electromotive force.
  5. the state of being pressed or compressed.
  6. harassment; oppression: the pressures of daily life.
  7. a constraining or compelling force or influence: the social pressures of city life; financial pressure.
  8. urgency, as of affairs or business: He works well under pressure.
  9. Obsolete. that which is impressed.

–verb (used with object)
  1. to force (someone) toward a particular end; influence: They pressured him into accepting the contract.
  2. pressurize.

  1. the state or feeling of being pleased.
  2. enjoyment or satisfaction derived from what is to one's liking; gratification; delight.
  3. worldly or frivolous enjoyment: the pursuit of pleasure.
  4. recreation or amusement; diversion; enjoyment: Are you traveling on business or for pleasure?
  5. sensual gratification.
  6. a cause or source of enjoyment or delight: It was a pleasure to see you.
  7. pleasurable quality: the pleasure of his company.
  8. one's will, desire, or choice: to make known one's pleasure.
–verb (used with object)
  1. to give pleasure to; gratify; please.
–verb (used without object)
  1. to take pleasure; delight: I pleasure in your company.
  2. to seek pleasure, as by taking a holiday.
* the above aquired from http://dictionary.reference.com

to Shawn, if u can read this article, i hope u can adapt to just like those 2 words, as life is just 一线之差。 whether u live to survive/u fail to survive.

to me, i am pressure now, the exam is just to pressure to me. don't worry as i m expert with this, as i had deal it for >3 years, this mean nothing to me.

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